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Turabian Quick Citation Guide

Sample notes show full citations followed by shortened forms that would be used after the first citation. Sample bibliography entries follow the notes. For more details and many more examples, see chapters 16 and 17 of Turabian. (For examples of the same citations using the author-date system, go to Author-Date: Sample Citations.)

This quick citation guide was created using the material from as a guide together with the book A Manual for Writers, 9th ed.  by Kate L. Turabian. The following examples illustrate the notes and bibliography style.

Citations from a book:


1. Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (London, Inter-Varsity, 2020), 36.
2. Evelyn Hibbert and Richard Hibbert, Leading Multicultural Teams (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Publishing, 2014), 112.

Shortened Notes

1. Grudem, Systematic Theology, 36.

2. Hibbert and Hibbert, Leading Multicultural Teams, 112-115.

Bibliography entries (should be arranged in alphabetical order).

Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. 2nd ed. London: Inter-Varsity, 2020.
Hibbert, Evelyn, and Richard Hibbert. Leading Multicultural Teams. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Publishing, 2014.
Kutz, Karl V., and Rebekah L. Josberger. Learning Biblical Hebrew: Reading for Comprehension -- An Introductory
. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018.

If your bibliography includes two or more works written, edited, or translated by the same individual, or group of authors named in the same order, arrange the entries alphabetically by title (ignoring articles such as a and the). For all entries after the first, replace the individual's name with a long dash, called a 3-em dash. (

Lane, William L. Hebrews: A Call to Commitment. Vancouver, British Columbia: Regent College Publishing, 1985.

——. Hebrews 1-8. Word Biblical Commentary.  Vol. 47a. Dallas, TX: Word Books, 1991.
——. Hebrews 9-13. Word Biblical Commentary.  Vol. 47b. Dallas, TX: Word Books, 1991.

Citations from a chapter or other part of an edited book

In a note, cite specific pages. In the bibliography, include the page range for the chapter or part.


1. Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (London, Inter-Varsity, 2020), 36.
2. Evelyn Hibbert and Richard Hibbert, Leading Multicultural Teams (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Publishing, 2014), 112.

Shortened Notes

1. Grudem, Systematic Theology, 36.

2. Hibbert and Hibbert, Leading Multicultural Teams, 112-115.

Bibliography entries (should be arranged in alphabetical order).

Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. 2nd ed. London: Inter-Varsity, 2020.
Hibbert, Evelyn, and Richard Hibbert. Leading Multicultural Teams. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Publishing, 2014.
Kutz, Karl V., and Rebekah L. Josberger. Learning Biblical Hebrew: Reading for Comprehension -- An Introductory
. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018.

If your bibliography includes two or more works written, edited, or translated by the same individual, or group of authors named in the same order, arrange the entries alphabetically by title (ignoring articles such as a and the). For all entries after the first, replace the individual's name with a long dash, called a 3-em dash. (

Lane, William L. Hebrews: A Call to Commitment. Vancouver, British Columbia: Regent College Publishing, 1985.

——. Hebrews 1-8. Word Biblical Commentary.  Vol. 47a. Dallas, TX: Word Books, 1991.
——. Hebrews 9-13. Word Biblical Commentary.  Vol. 47b. Dallas, TX: Word Books, 1991.

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